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Kate Siegel
Dec 14, 20223 min read
Observable Signs of Burnout
How do you know when what you're dealing with is burnout? How is it different from run-of-the-mill exhaustion or depression? And what...
Kate Siegel
Sep 26, 20223 min read
Widen Your Options
I was trying to make a fairly small decision recently about whether I should volunteer at my daughter's school or not and found myself...
Kate Siegel
Jun 24, 20224 min read
Evaluating a Training Situation
The first question I always ask when someone comes to me asking for training is, "does this situation require training, or are there...
Kate Siegel
May 19, 20222 min read
What Makes You Awesome?
A lot of my clients come to me knowing what's "wrong" with them, but not enough know what makes them amazing, different, unique, and...
Kate Siegel
Mar 31, 20223 min read
What's your belief about the universe?
Part of what I love about coaching is discovering and understanding different people's beliefs about the world around them, and how they...
Kate Siegel
Mar 9, 20222 min read
Are you trying to control too much?
The other day, my preschool daughter stubbed her toe and had a meltdown -- not because of the pain of the toe stub, but because (and I...
Kate Siegel
Mar 4, 20222 min read
If You're Making it Up, Make it Good
Back when I was acting, I learned pretty early on that you never know why you didn't get a role. Maybe your audition sucked or you...
Kate Siegel
Feb 21, 20224 min read
Six Things to Rely on Other than Willpower
Achieving goals requires focus, energy, and willpower. But all of those are resources that can be easily depleted, and if you don't have...
Kate Siegel
Feb 14, 20222 min read
Goal Setting 2022: Identifying Roadblocks
You've written your goals (SMARTly, of course) and you're ready to go. Before you drive off into the sunset in pursuit of your goals,...
Kate Siegel
Feb 11, 20223 min read
Goal Setting for 2022: Break it into steps!
If you've been following this series for a couple of weeks now, you will have already identified your goals, written them the right way,...
Kate Siegel
Feb 7, 20223 min read
Goal Setting for 2022: Getting SMART
As I mentioned in an earlier post, not all goals need to be SMART. The Big Picture goals you use as North Stars don't need to be SMART,...
Kate Siegel
Feb 4, 20222 min read
Goal Setting for 2022: Prioritizing Goals
There are lots of ways to prioritize goals, but if you are operating by yourself (and not part of an organization or family that does...
Kate Siegel
Feb 2, 20223 min read
Goal Setting for 2022: Tips for Goal Writing
You may think that writing a goal is the same as writing an email or anything else you write a thousand times a day. But it's not. Here...
Kate Siegel
Jan 29, 20223 min read
Goal Setting for 2022: Types of Goals
I like to look at three major categories of goals: Big Picture goals, Milestone goals, and Mini goals (or action steps). Each has its...
Kate Siegel
Jan 27, 20223 min read
Goal Setting for 2022: Where do I start?
Not sure what goals you want to set, or what goals would make you happiest if you achieved them? The tools I share below will help you...
Kate Siegel
Jan 25, 20223 min read
Goal Setting for 2022: Where Goal Setting Goes Wrong
This is the first in a series of posts about goal setting that are tailor-made for 2022, the first year in the pandemic when we can...
Kate Siegel
Dec 16, 20213 min read
What You Resist Persists
Psychologist Carl Jung is noted for teaching that the pieces of our selves that we can't accept are the very things that stick with us...
Kate Siegel
Nov 19, 20212 min read
Ah, Thanksgiving...
Thanksgiving is approaching, and for many people, so is the stress and anxiety caused by being with family, feeling judged, trying to...
Kate Siegel
Oct 22, 20213 min read
The Business of Busyness
So many of my clients are overworked, perpetually busy, and burnt out. They're stuck on a hamster wheel and it's taking its toll. Day...
Kate Siegel
Sep 28, 20214 min read
Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself
When I’m in the grip of my saboteur, I should all over myself. It’s not pretty. Let me break that down a little. The saboteur is one of...
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